Our Binge Eating Disorder Program
Recovery is possible! Our program is tailored uniquely to every person because everyone’s recovery is different. Understanding the underlying causes of BED, and the role food plays in your life, is essential to change. Psychological, historical, genetic and cultural factors may all play a role, and each needs to be addressed to create lasting change.
Our program helps clients understand the craving to overeat, recognize and manage binge triggers, heal underlying issues, and learn to eat and exercise mindfully and joyfully. Starting with an initial consultation, we can determine what combination of services best meets your needs. Please check out our services and events pages, or contact us for more information!
Free Consultation
Free 10 minute video consultation now available. To schedule a free video consultation, an appointment, or for further information call us at 734-668-8585 or use our contact form.
Online Services
Bodywise offers many of its services virtually to clients around the world. If you would like more information to determine if virtual services are available in your area, please contact us.

Do I have BED?
Frequently asked questions about signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder.
• How do I know if I am a binge eater or have BED?
• Why can’t I stop this behavior? Isn’t it just a question of willpower
• What does “recovered” mean?
The Latest Events & News
Free Virtual Training for Clinicians
Trauma-Informed, Weight-Inclusive Strategies to Address Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & More
This free training offers the latest approaches and interventions to help your clients create a more peaceful relationship with food and body, rooted in a trauma-informed, weight-inclusive framework. Developed by acclaimed experts Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW, Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, CCTP-II, and Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS.